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Statistics cover Wednesday 9 Oct 2024 to Tuesday 22 Oct 2024
87 people were active during this 14-day reporting period

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Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

Daily chat activity














Hourly activity on #konnect-chat

2.5% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.4% 2.2% 5.7% 5.5% 5.5% 8.4% 6.8% 7.2% 4.9% 3.2% 5.9% 9.6% 5.5% 5.1% 2.3% 2.3% 2.6% 1.7% 6.6% 5.9%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

(UTC -4:00 - Eastern Daylight Time)

Long term statistics - two month sections


7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
Total number of lines: 241808
Estimate for this section: 52140 lines.

Seems like everyone had something to say on Tuesday 26 Jul 2022 - 3224 lines spoken

Big Numbers

justin really wanted others to know what was doing - 42 descriptions altogether.
 13 Oct 7:39 * justin hides
The evil guard of #konnect-chat was Dysfunct1onal who got this reputation after kicking out 3 people.
 10 Oct 11:07 <mikey23> STFU disillusional-d
10 Oct 11:08 *** mikey23 was kicked by Dysfunct1onal (before-you-speak-remove-cock)
The sore butt award goes to mikey23 for being kicked out 3 times.
 9 Oct 9:24 <mikey23> Was ok until you came out of the wood work
9 Oct 9:30 *** mikey23 was kicked by Dysfunct1onal (Revenge is soft like the skin of your gfs ass :))
fleet almost deafened everyone in #konnect-chat, shouting 15% of the time!

Also ear-bleedingy loud: KSCC with 12% shouts!

Dunham_Robert-hrs was uncertain about many things - 20% of lines contained a question.

...and the silver medal goes to Gears - with a question ratio of 13%.

justin seemed to prefer talking to themself, writing over 5 lines in a row 74 times...

KSCC also chatted to themselve 24 times.

mikey23 had a sticky shift button - wrote 6 lines in CAPS.
 22 Oct 9:37 <mikey23> msg NickServ IDENTIFY Jonny
Activity peak: 12 people were simultaneously active on 9 Oct 2024 12:00 - 13:00
Active during these 60 minutes were (in order of appearance):
 Strawberry, justin, ROBBB, kx8098_d2, Hazel, nero-kcirc, Dysfunct1onal, mikey23, fleet, Dunham_Robert-hrs, Dragon, ROBB
KSCC was unsure where to put the full stop, averaging 158 letters per line.

Channel average on #konnect-chat was 42 letters.

Top 87 nicks

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 justin 2619 "holay 22. your lucky."
2 stevo 898 "Now its like i hae so much debt"
3 Gears 718 "i went to atlantic city and messed with the casinos"
4 mikey23 546 "Well I see the person for the furnace driving down the road"
5 D1sfunct1onal-d 478 "https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4jA-_g_iSY0&si=xeDOHPX9urVeK6ca"
6 KSCC 333 "6. Availability: Amyloban 3399 is often available in supplement form
, either as capsules or powder. It's crucial to choose reputable brands
for quality assurance."
7 nero-kcirc 275 "https://tenor.com/view/no-time-busy-aint-nobody-got-time-for-that-gif-157...
8 fleet 168 "Mr syarifosa_d2... are those your UNDERPANTS?!"
9 Superfly-kcirc 131 "So that would be cool if we get tha linked soon, more users also"
10 Superfly 112 "i guess God has a play in this =)"
11 Dysfunct1onal 109 "slut must have a mouth full"
12 Dunham_Robert-hrs 103 "gh0st"
13 tinman 85 "night Superfly-kcirc"
14 jasperdett-kcirc 52 "This is the song that doesn't end."
15 KCIN 51 "slut, roast yourself"
16 mikey-kcirc 47 "shut up nero i want quite"
17 Suntop-ANC 46 "im here too just doing some work in the background.."
18 Mystic 45 "Should I have use full stop? ."
19 surashark 44 "Company messed up my salary"
20 AllNightCafe 42 "[YouTube] Title: 5555%5 5"5& 5-5!5 55,5$5-5(5) | Uploaded
by: Mental Outlaw | Length: 0m46s | Date: 15/03/2021 | Views: 495.721
| Like: 17.390 - [16242] -"
21 Kayla 41 "It is! I’m excited"
22 Leia 38 "becareful"
23 Leia-ANC 37 "my parents went after my meds"
24 D1sfunct1onal-app 37 "damn might have to reatart since itbiant relaying"
25 ROBB 35 "sorry"
26 Suntop-supervps 34 "Superfly, i just added quo's server today ..so now we have 1 more
server here =)"
27 bob 34 "not getting away from irc"
28 jasperdett 32 "slut tell us a story about L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L
L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L L_O_L"
29 Manda 31 "*whispers into Mikey 's ear*"
30 Suntop 29 "cman, Sun Oct 20 04:22:17 2024"
31 Hazel 28 "Justin tysm ☺️"
32 Beauty 28 "! potion what's that for ?"
33 Robz 26 "im starting up my mirc"
34 SeriouSaurus 25 "slut, spank yourself"
35 Rob-hrs 24 "https://hose.brandmeister.network/"
36 ROBBB 22 "?"
37 D1srupt1ve-d 21 "morning @D1sfunct1onal-d"
38 chewyb_13-hrs 18 "i think i'm gonna take advantage of no-one else home and finish all the
queued updates in steam, Laughing Out Loud"
39 ^_Just|n_^ 18 "Well I’ll see yall later :-) :-) :-)"
40 Dunham_Robert-supervps 17 "anyone up"
41 cman 17 "ill take care of that"
42 chewyb_13 17 "oh i so hate the spamidiots, i'm so gonna have to look into the limnoria
relaynext code and hope that it does the ignoreregexp check for quit
43 Strawberry 14 "Umm I back here after few months, almost forget everything :/"
44 Tourourouni 12 "glad to hear that"
45 fluffy 9 "It sucks but has to be done."
46 BayLeaf 9 "Hello to all the lovely people !"
47 _sharpiesniffer 9 "@D1sfunct1onal-d shhh"
48 Burger 8 "a user is spamming in hybridirc channel from discord"
49 sino 7 "had to create a new one"
50 ruewg 6 "ruewg gh0st[T] loetian Image KR D1sfunct10nal-app5 BongHunt_1910_d2
GK-KMFDM Beaver alepdodi_d2 KSCC mikey23 requiem007q_d2 kacangb...
...eanpeanut_d2 klostwo_d2 KX-libera Nick Mougly KX-hybrid stats
Guest94712 CloudBot nero-hybrid Shigekix LynxModez mirul4889_d2
vergil3110_d2 sliqsix_d2 Jeeves_d2 kx8098_d2 Raidbots_d2 MrMario_d2..."
51 Dunham_Robert-kcirc 6 "jasperdett hi"
52 RobzMobile 5 "Function better.. right now I'm dis functional"
53 Robz-hrs 5 "oh well lol i guess"
54 noaww 5 "noaww gh0st[T] loetian Image KR D1sfunct10nal-app5 BongHunt_1910_d2
GK-KMFDM Beaver alepdodi_d2 KSCC mikey23 requiem007q_d2 kacangb...
...eanpeanut_d2 klostwo_d2 KX-libera Nick Mougly KX-hybrid stats
Guest94712 CloudBot nero-hybrid Shigekix LynxModez mirul4889_d2
vergil3110_d2 sliqsix_d2 Jeeves_d2 kx8098_d2 Raidbots_d2 MrMario_d2..."
55 hehhdhdj 5 "id say discord changed something"
56 Dunham_Robert-rizon 5 "anyone"
57 DarkSide 5 "chicago fire on peacock"
58 shuimv 4 "Y⁠OU G⁠O⁠T​ S⁠OMETH​ING​ TO⁠ S⁠AY? SP​EA​K UP S⁠O​N⁠ h​t⁠tps⁠://h​a​r⁠d​c​h⁠at​s.com"
59 Robz-poul 4 "i heard bout that"
60 nero-kcircdis 4 "i didnt know what else lol"
61 foiwg 4 "foiwg Image KR D1sfunct10nal-app5 BongHunt_1910_d2 GK-KMFDM
Beaver alepdodi_d2 KSCC mikey23 requiem007q_d2 kacangbeanpeanut_d2
klostwo_d2 cman KX-libera Nick Mougly KX-hybrid stats Guest94712
CloudBot nero-hybrid Shigekix LynxModez mirul4889_d2 vergil3110_d2
sliqsix_d2 Jeeves_d2 kx8098_d2 Raidbots_d2 MrMario_d2 Moobot_d2..."
62 Suntop-hrs 3 "still in pain...but other than that good i guess :oD"
63 Sudip 3 "is there any female here is there any female here"
64 ROB 3 "On van now"
65 KCIRC_40 3 "any ladies"
66 D|sfunctional 3 "as long as the bot will stay online"
67 Dunham_Robert 3 "power went out few seconds"
68 Dragon 3 "that's positive :)"
69 Scientist 2 "hi justin and Superfly-kcirc"
70 Robz-dal 2 "hi hi"
71 justme2 2 "ok damn discord isnt working again but no errors"
72 fizi 2 "Hello Peepz"
73 evie 2 ":cuteduckiebop:"
74 chennai_BDSM 2 "Anyone into BDSM"
75 PyLynX 1 "[Dysfunct1onal@Konnect-Chat] We have to restart our pylink instances.
sorry for any inconvience."
76 MILF-USA 1 "Please check out my YouTube Channel those who like and subscribe
I'll give them a special surprise 😉 https://youtu.be/600mAmUiQRw?si=Dp0...
77 meribiwikepvtvids 1 "pm https://whereby.com/myhousewife"
78 kx8098_d2 1 "hmm"
79 kiki 1 "Justin where is roasting bot? What is the command 🤔🙂"
80 KCIRC_16gnsh 1 "Hello"
81 karthi 1 "Hey"
82 fizi-darkworld 1 "Hello Peepz"
83 Erect1leD1sfunct1on 1 "Dysfunct1onal is disillusional"
84 candy5022 1 "kaylaa ❤️"
85 Althaf 1 "Hi"
86 _abhi_delhi_m35 1 "Hello"
87 ^Man_ 1 "are you bots ?"

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1justin - 103
justin - 1499
justin - 1001
stevo - 570
2stevo - 90
mikey23 - 232
KSCC - 246
Gears - 407
3Gears - 90
nero-kcirc - 230
mikey23 - 238
mikey23 - 76
4D1sfunct1onal-d - 29
D1sfunct1onal-d - 193
D1sfunct1onal-d - 216
KSCC - 73
5fleet - 13
stevo - 164
Gears - 152
Superfly - 59
6tinman - 8
Gears - 69
fleet - 86
D1sfunct1onal-d - 40
7nero-kcirc - 8
Dunham_Robert-hrs - 56
Superfly-kcirc - 78
KCIN - 35
8Dunham_Robert-hrs - 7
Superfly-kcirc - 51
Dysfunct1onal - 78
tinman - 32
9Superfly - 5
fleet - 51
stevo - 74
jasperdett-kcirc - 29
10SeriouSaurus - 3
surashark - 43
Superfly - 48
jasperdett - 27

(UTC -4:00 - Eastern Daylight Time)

Activity distribution

11/2023 - 10/2024

Lines per day Number of days
2 (1.2%)
2 (1.2%)
1 (0.6%)
8 (4.8%)
15 (8.9%)
13 (7.7%)
17 (10%)
37 (22%)
38 (23%)
35 (21%)


1 / 2024
No recorded activity
Lines: 5
2 / 2024
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29
Lines: 1057
3 / 2024
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 1115
4 / 2024
No recorded activity
Lines: 1115
5 / 2024
No recorded activity
Lines: 9
6 / 2024
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Lines: 13830
7 / 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
Lines: 9461
8 / 2024
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 19432
9 / 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
Lines: 31132
10 / 2024
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22
Lines: 13204


11 / 2023
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 947
12 / 2023
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 1916

Friends in #konnect-chat

People who like talking to each other

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Gearsstevo 1 justinmikey23
2 D1sfunct1onal-djustin 2 justinnero-kcirc
3 nero-kcircjustin 3 justinD1sfunct1onal-d
4 justinfleet
5 justinDunham_Robert-hrs
6 justintinman
7 justinsurashark
8 justinManda
9 D1sfunct1onal-dnero-kcirc
10 D1sfunct1onal-dmikey23
11 justinstevo
12 justinGears
13 justinLeia
14 justinSuperfly-kcirc
15 justinBeauty
16 justinDunham_Robert
17 mikey23nero-kcirc
18 D1sfunct1onal-appjustin
19 bobjustin
20 Mysticjustin

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 justinmikey23 1 Gearsstevo
2 justinD1sfunct1onal-d 2 KCINmikey-kcirc
3 GearsKSCC 3 KSCCstevo
4 Gearsjustin 4 KSCCGears
5 fleetjustin 5 stevotinman
6 Superflyjustin 6 SuntopSuperfly
7 Mysticjustin 7 cmanSuperfly
8 Gearsfleet 8 tinmanSuperfly
9 KSCCbob 9 HazelSeriouSaurus
10 KSCCjustin 10 Superfly-kcirctinman
11 Suntop-supervpsjustin 11 D1sfunct1onal-djustin
12 Dysfunct1onaljustin 12 Suntopstevo
13 Burgerjustin 13 KCINSeriouSaurus
14 KSCCfleet 14 Superflystevo
15 Gearsmikey23 15 Suntopcman
16 D1sfunct1onal-dmikey23 16 fleettinman
17 ROBBSuperfly-kcirc 17 jasperdettstevo
18 D1sfunct1onal-d_sharpiesniffer
19 Superfly-kcircjustin
20 nero-kcircjustin

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days percentage
1 justin  14
2 D1sfunct1onal-d  14
3 mikey23  13
4 AllNightCafe  12
5 nero-kcirc  12
6 fleet  12
7 KCIN  12
8 stevo  12
9 Dysfunct1onal  11
10 Dunham_Robert-hrs  11
11 jasperdett-kcirc  9
12 tinman  7
13 KSCC  6
14 Dunham_Robert-supervps  5
15 ^_Just|n_^  5
16 Superfly-kcirc  5
17 Gears  5
18 Leia  4
19 Suntop-supervps  4
20 surashark  4

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At Currently
1 D1sfunct1onal-d  14 9 Oct - 22 Oct 2024
  Currently 14 days active
2 justin  14 9 Oct - 22 Oct 2024
  Currently 14 days active
3 fleet  12 9 Oct - 20 Oct 2024
  Last active 2 days ago (20 Oct 2024)
4 stevo  11 10 Oct - 20 Oct 2024
  Currently 1 days active
5 nero-kcirc  10 9 Oct - 18 Oct 2024
  Currently 2 days active *
6 mikey23  9 14 Oct - 22 Oct 2024
  Currently 9 days active
7 jasperdett-kcirc  8 9 Oct - 16 Oct 2024
  Currently 1 days active
8 Dunham_Robert-hrs  6 9 Oct - 14 Oct 2024
  Currently 1 days active
9 Dysfunct1onal  6 16 Oct - 21 Oct 2024
  Currently 6 days active *
10 AllNightCafe  6 9 Oct - 14 Oct 2024
  Currently 1 days active
11 tinman  5 17 Oct - 21 Oct 2024
  Currently 5 days active *
12 KCIN  5 14 Oct - 18 Oct 2024
  Currently 3 days active
13 Hazel  4 9 Oct - 12 Oct 2024
  Last active 10 days ago (12 Oct 2024)
14 Suntop  4 18 Oct - 21 Oct 2024
  Currently 4 days active *
15 chewyb_13  3 16 Oct - 18 Oct 2024
  Last active 4 days ago (18 Oct 2024)
16 Superfly  3 19 Oct - 21 Oct 2024
  Currently 3 days active *
17 Suntop-ANC  3 16 Oct - 18 Oct 2024
  Currently 1 days active
18 ^_Just|n_^  3 16 Oct - 18 Oct 2024
  Last active 4 days ago (18 Oct 2024)

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
140.. 1 KSCC(158)
120..139 0 -
100..119 0 -
80..99 0 -
60..79 1 Superfly-kcirc(62.4)
40..59 2 stevo(41.0), Gears(40.6)
20..39 5 Superfly(37.8), mikey23(34.2), D1sfunct1onal-d(28.1), nero-kcirc(27.7...
..19 3 Dysfunct1onal(19.8), justin(19.0), Dunham_Robert-hrs(11.1)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

Overused words in #konnect-chat:

Count Word Last used by At
507 "that" mikey23 22 Oct 16:19
285 "like" D1sfunct1onal-d 22 Oct 15:42
281 "with" mikey23 22 Oct 16:18
236 "have" justin 22 Oct 15:40
226 "What" justin 22 Oct 15:36
226 "loll" justin 22 Oct 15:41
217 "Good" justin 22 Oct 15:37
216 "your" justin 22 Oct 15:36
208 "this" AllNightCafe 22 Oct 17:51
188 "just" mikey23 22 Oct 12:19

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
131 "justin" Leia-ANC 22 Oct 11:07
62 "D1sfunct1onal-d" justin 22 Oct 15:41
52 "mikey23" stevo 22 Oct 11:57
46 "fleet" tinman 19 Oct 21:46
32 "KSCC" KSCC 19 Oct 23:40

The ones with own private vocabulary
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
205 KSCC "stress"(6), "various"(8), "Public"(5), "aspect"(4), "support"(6), "lively"(3), "recent"(3),
"guiding"(4), "suggest"(4), "purpose"(3), "natural"(3), "sharing"(3), "individual"(11),
"individuals"(14), "Feedback"(3), "Landscape"(3), "Well-being"(7), "strategies"(3),
"capabilities"(5), "professional"(3)
72 justin "holay"(37), "pokedex"(22), "hehehehe"(44), "coool"(9), "mate"(5), "mins"(4), "mula"(3),
"coooool"(11), "maple"(4), "awwwwe"(6), "meals"(3), "cooool"(5), "ouuuuu"(5),
"commin"(4), "heheeh"(4), "your***"(4), "holding"(3), "hehehhe"(3), "assembly"(3),
51 stevo "govt"(10), "ziggurat"(18), "hail"(4), "nein"(3), "curse"(4), "dirty"(3), "serial"(6), "morse"(3),
"height"(4), "faggot"(4), "single"(3), "hitler"(3), "agenda"(3), "robbed"(3), "winner"(3),
"Recorded"(3), "responses"(3), "Definition"(3), "Mesopotamian"(3), "specifically"(3)
16 Gears "goal"(5), "tens"(4), "solve"(6), "takes"(4), "hedge"(4), "races"(3), "sorts"(3), "office"(4),
"chatbot"(7), "winning"(3), "playlist"(5), "portugal"(3), "collects"(3), "distance"(3),
"manhattan"(5), "amphetamines"(3)
15 mikey23 "speed"(6), "corn"(3), "Neros"(6), "chewy"(6), "morels"(7), "Winds"(3), "cousin"(3),
"pantry"(3), "furnace"(3), "landlord"(4), "Allergic"(3), "southern"(3), "restroom"(3),
"throwing"(3), "appointment"(3)
5 AllNightCafe "Title"(39), "Length"(39), "Uploaded"(39), "3 "(3), "SabrinaCarpenterVEVO"(4)
3 Superfly-kcirc "Aegis"(3), "p33pz"(4), "stabillity"(3)
3 tinman "gums"(3), "maidstone"(4), "prostitute"(3)
2 jasperdett-kcirc "singing"(8), "forever"(4)
2 nero-kcirc "how’s"(3), "mikey23’s"(3)

These pairs speak with their own words
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
84 Gears and KSCC "Pasta"(17), "bones"(14), "Rand"(10), "goods"(12), "customs"(17), "ross"(4), "studies"(13),
"mood"(3), "trade"(4), "tasty"(4), "delays"(4), "hearts"(4), "dementia"(10), "imports"(4),
"function"(7), "ongoing"(4), "emotions"(4), "philosophy"(7), "importance"(5),
48 stevo and KSCC "often"(12), "media"(6), "further"(11), "issue"(4), "Paint"(3), "basis"(3), "cards"(3),
"exists"(3), "living"(3), "consider"(9), "damage"(3), "improve"(5), "picture"(4), "figures"(4),
"culture"(4), "centers"(3), "involves"(4), "involved"(4), "disorders"(5), "facilitate"(3)
45 stevo and Gears "weed"(8), "meth"(5), "cars"(3), "fund"(3), "deck"(3), "fucked"(7), "shoot"(4), "smoked"(5),
"pissed"(4), "helped"(3), "harder"(3), "became"(3), "illness"(4), "garbage"(3), "drinking"(5),
"business"(3), "accident"(3), "literally"(5), "otherwise"(4), "crackheads"(5)
26 justin and KSCC "past"(4), "broth"(5), "shows"(5), "lives"(4), "brings"(7), "within"(6), "together"(12),
"nature"(6), "points"(6), "strong"(5), "turned"(4), "during"(3), "worker"(3), "instead"(5),
"however"(5), "Shipping"(5), "goodness"(4), "delivery"(4), "american"(3), "Absolutely"(4)
24 justin and stevo "dunno"(15), "fire"(7), "door"(7), "sort"(7), "Oops"(4), "pink"(4), "rise"(3), "beer"(3), "slept"(6),
"sugar"(4), "typos"(3), "smell"(3), "spend"(3), "holes"(3), "normal"(5), "record"(3),
"ancient"(6), "German"(3), "ghosts"(3), "someones"(4)
21 justin and mikey23 "Canada"(16), "supper"(16), "nick"(8), "poke"(6), "lies"(4), "Spam"(3), "moon"(3),
"onions"(7), "Obama"(4), "gravy"(3), "Spain"(3), "Mexico"(5), "trivia"(5), "potato"(4),
"MOnday"(3), "winter"(3), "weather"(6), "carrots"(4), "password"(5), "Chromebook"(4)
19 stevo and mikey23 "dick"(7), "kept"(5), "STFU"(4), "rent"(4), "stole"(7), "card"(3), "piss"(3), "road"(3), "pack"(3),
"miles"(5), "frying"(7), "stand"(3), "crack"(3), "freeze"(4), "forgot"(3), "toilet"(3),
"hacking"(3), "homeless"(4), "poisoning"(3)
19 mikey23 and KSCC "fats"(5), "potential"(20), "stock"(3), "broccoli"(11), "Sports"(4), "choice"(4), "foster"(4),
"dreams"(3), "limits"(3), "Calcium"(4), "federal"(4), "regular"(3), "mushroom"(6),
"saturated"(7), "Columbus"(4), "election"(4), "conditions"(6), "Cholesterol"(4),
14 justin and Gears "shes"(6), "cute"(5), "tons"(5), "hurry"(8), "site"(4), "wasn"(3), "delay"(6), "worth"(4),
"Subway"(4), "walked"(3), "machine"(5), "intense"(4), "trouble"(3), "problems"(3)
6 KSCC and Superfly-kcirc "content"(12), "Alert"(3), "action"(5), "episode"(3), "services"(3), "additional"(3)

#konnect-chat's descriptive people!

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 justin  42 * justin gives Leia a blanket
2 fleet  10 * fleet puts on boots
3 tinman  9 * tinman has balcony door oprn
4 Superfly-kcirc  6 * Superfly-kcirc see the air get sucked out of the room
5 KCIN  3 * KCIN slaps slut
6 Superfly  2 * Superfly feels VERY lucky cman is ON tonight =)
7 SeriouSaurus  2 * SeriouSaurus hums to the stereotypical snakecharming tune
8 Mystic  2 * Mystic ?umodes
9 evie  2 * evie konichuwa :hellokittywave:
10 Strawberry  1 * Strawberry hands up 🔫 justin
11 stevo  1 * stevo sets mode +helokity evie
12 jasperdett-kcirc  1 * jasperdett-kcirc slaps mikey23 around a bit with a large trout
13 Hazel  1 * Hazel yawns
14 fizi-darkworld  1 * fizi-darkworld Hello Peepz
15 Dunham_Robert-supervps  1 * Dunham_Robert-supervps High five justin Yeah Buddy !!!!
16 Dunham_Robert-hrs  1 * Dunham_Robert-hrs pain mangement today ugh
17 Beauty  1 * Beauty pours a bucket on ice water on nero and signs off *
18 AllNightCafe  1 * AllNightCafe casts a spell of light! ,\|/, ..and the sun shines so bright waking up nero
from those innocent slumber Dreams ;o)

#konnect-chat's stats analysts

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 fleet  14 "Today's forecast is horrible wetness with 4% chance of a tornado"
2 Gears  5 "like when goods go from the usa to europe europe collects 22% vat tax"
3 Superfly-kcirc  3 "legit 120 %"
4 KSCC  2 "4. Diverse Applications: ChatGPT is utilized in various sectors, such as education, customer service
, and content generation, appealing to both casual users and professionals alike. Notably, over
40% of college students utilize ChatGPT for academic purposes."
5 Superfly  1 "and voila we have a superfly 100% uptime fast server"
6 shuimv  1 "shuimv gh0st[T] loetian Image KR D1sfunct10nal-app5 BongHunt_1910_d2 GK-KMFDM Beaver
alepdodi_d2 KSCC mikey23 requiem007q_d2 kacangbeanpeanut_d2 klostwo_d2 KX-libera Nick
Mougly KX-hybrid stats Guest94712 CloudBot nero-hybrid Shigekix LynxModez mirul4889_d2 vergil3...
...110_d2 sliqsix_d2 Jeeves_d2 kx8098_d2 Raidbots_d2 MrMario_d2 Moobot_d2 b_yan_d2 azerslay_d2
_Charlemagne_d2 lim4323_d2 d3m0n1029_d2"
7 ruewg  1 "ruewg gh0st[T] loetian Image KR D1sfunct10nal-app5 BongHunt_1910_d2 GK-KMFDM Beaver
alepdodi_d2 KSCC mikey23 requiem007q_d2 kacangbeanpeanut_d2 klostwo_d2 KX-libera Nick
Mougly KX-hybrid stats Guest94712 CloudBot nero-hybrid Shigekix LynxModez mirul4889_d2 vergil3...
...110_d2 sliqsix_d2 Jeeves_d2 kx8098_d2 Raidbots_d2 MrMario_d2 Moobot_d2 b_yan_d2 azerslay_d2
_Charlemagne_d2 lim4323_d2 d3m0n1029_d2 _"
8 noaww  1 "noaww gh0st[T] loetian Image KR D1sfunct10nal-app5 BongHunt_1910_d2 GK-KMFDM Beaver
alepdodi_d2 KSCC mikey23 requiem007q_d2 kacangbeanpeanut_d2 klostwo_d2 KX-libera Nick
Mougly KX-hybrid stats Guest94712 CloudBot nero-hybrid Shigekix LynxModez mirul4889_d2 vergil3...
...110_d2 sliqsix_d2 Jeeves_d2 kx8098_d2 Raidbots_d2 MrMario_d2 Moobot_d2 b_yan_d2 azerslay_d2
_Charlemagne_d2 lim4323_d2 d3m0n1029_d2 _"
9 foiwg  1 "foiwg Image KR D1sfunct10nal-app5 BongHunt_1910_d2 GK-KMFDM Beaver alepdodi_d2 KSCC
mikey23 requiem007q_d2 kacangbeanpeanut_d2 klostwo_d2 cman KX-libera Nick Mougly KX-hybrid
stats Guest94712 CloudBot nero-hybrid Shigekix LynxModez mirul4889_d2 vergil3110_d2 sliqsix_d2
Jeeves_d2 kx8098_d2 Raidbots_d2 MrMario_d2 Moobot_d2 b_yan_d2 azerslay_d2 _Charlemagne_d2
lim4323_d2 d3m0n1029_d2 _d2"
10 AllNightCafe  1 "[YouTube] Title: 5555%5 5"5& 5-5!5 55,5$5-5(5) | Uploaded by: Mental Outlaw | Length:
0m46s | Date: 15/03/2021 | Views: 495.721 | Like: 17.390 - [16242] -"

#konnect-chat's foodies

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 justin  27 "Well today for me is voting day. mom is getting burger king for me and the little fella. And then were
headed out to vote."
2 mikey23  24 "Justin you can't eat this kind of chicken you can drink it"
3 KSCC  19 "This dish is a delightful marriage of flavors and textures. The pasta provides a satisfying base
, drizzled luxuriously with rich olive oil and creamy butter, while the sharp, salty Pecorino Romano
cheese adds depth and a nutty finish. Broccoli not only brings a fresh crunch and vibrant color
to the dish, but it's also loaded with nutrients, making it a wholesome choice."
4 Gears  7 "Katia prepare a give recipie and give the nutritional information for the following dish and explain
the cooking instructions. Pasta, drizzled with olive oil and butter, sprinkled with pecorino Romano
cheese, with broccocli. Option to swap butter for chopped bacon. Now explain this dish and make
it sound tasty"
5 stevo  3 "Slut, eat nothing but footlongs, beans, and eggs for a week straight while you devour percocets
and then stop taking them and eat laxatives. then pipe a beer Bong funnel into fleet's mouth and
crap into it"
6 nero-kcirc  2 "did you have a nice lunch"
7 Kayla  2 "I’m making noodles, vegetable fried rice, soup dumplings, egg rolls and orange chicken"
8 fleet  1 "mmm chicken"
9 bob  1 "waiting eat breakfast then gotta make a run"

#konnect-chat's quoters

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 stevo  34 "Assyrian: "ziqquratu""
2 justin  10 "hey nero-hybrid , I just clicked on the website (www.konnectchatirc.net) and the forums, brings
you to a page that says "Not Found""
3 KSCC  9 "2. Hurricane Milton: The hurricane has devastated Florida's Gulf Coast, claiming at least 16 lives
and causing widespread power outages. Rescue operations are ongoing, and the storm has led
to severe damage, including over 12 tornadoes. Many have been affected mentally due to the conse...
...cutive hurricanes, with reports of a newborn being referred to as a "miracle" during
the storm."
4 Superfly-kcirc  6 "#konnect-chat flowing over with the "old way" of chatting again. BOM + 50 000 users..
omg we need a bigger staff"
5 SeriouSaurus  4 ""goodmorning pineapple! looking very good and very niiice" XD"
6 fleet  3 "You know KSCC, addressing the social is much like "making" love to a beautiful woman"
7 Superfly  1 "this is 3 brothers who nly listens have clients interview with the whole families that struggles with
the paranormal (poltergeist,.shadows etc) in the client interview the boy on 6 years old says"see
theres the shadow man" and you see a shadow cross right in front of the kitchen"
8 Gears  1 "i don't think that poverty is the "real"world"
9 AllNightCafe  1 "[YouTube] Title: =4 A Very HAUNTED FARM "I'm Bleeding" Paranormal Activity Paranormal
Nightmare TV S19E6 | Uploaded by: Paranormal Nightmare TV Series | Length: 54m51s | Date: 18/10/2024
| Views: 124.809 | Like: 11.005 - [16796] -"

#konnect-chat's greeters

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 justin  75 "https://tenor.com/view/excited-happy-hi-there-welcome-good-morning-gif-14054968"
2 nero-kcirc  12 "morning all"
3 D1sfunct1onal-d  10 "Morning"
4 tinman  7 "morning"
5 mikey23  5 "Morning"
6 fleet  5 "morning"
7 KSCC  4 "Hello, Gears! Yes, Im here and ready to assist you. How can I help you today? Any specific topics
or questions on your mind?"
8 SeriouSaurus  3 "oh hey Hazel"
9 Dunham_Robert-hrs  3 "morning justin"
10 Superfly-kcirc  2 "D1sfunct1onal-d: Hey bro. Check pm or discord =)"
11 Superfly  2 "cman hey"
12 Mystic  2 "Morning Bieber"
13 Leia  2 "i took it this morning"
14 fizi  2 "Hello Peepz"
15 D1srupt1ve-d  2 "morning justin"
16 BayLeaf  2 "Hello to all the lovely people !"
17 Tourourouni  1 "hello hello"
18 Sudip  1 "Hello"
19 stevo  1 "Howdy partners"
20 ruewg  1 "d2 bapak_binatang_d2 entotken_d2 ilyasmuhdd_d2 _paan_d2 rag3oftitan_d2 _7ofspade_d2 hoodiein...
...thesun_d2 pawang_d2 Afex_d2 iebal_d2 _Tatsumaki_d2 grogumandalorian_d2 altelary_d2 overlor...
...dZ_11586_d2 shariful3047_d2 shirophobia8688_d2 ibogel_d2 morningstar21_d2 killerxgin_d2
Dyno_tm__d2 IRCRelayBot_d2 usoppenawar_d2 accountbanned_d2 bo8by_d2 lorddarthloki_d2
kensai937_d2 notzheo_d2 onebi1194_d2"
21 Robz  1 "Hello"
22 ROB  1 "Hello"
23 noaww  1 "d2 bapak_binatang_d2 entotken_d2 ilyasmuhdd_d2 _paan_d2 rag3oftitan_d2 _7ofspade_d2 hoodiein...
...thesun_d2 pawang_d2 Afex_d2 iebal_d2 _Tatsumaki_d2 grogumandalorian_d2 altelary_d2 overlor...
...dZ_11586_d2 shariful3047_d2 shirophobia8688_d2 ibogel_d2 morningstar21_d2 killerxgin_d2
Dyno_tm__d2 IRCRelayBot_d2 usoppenawar_d2 accountbanned_d2 bo8by_d2 lorddarthloki_d2
kensai937_d2 notzheo_d2 onebi1194_d2"
24 KCIRC_16gnsh  1 "Hello"
25 Kayla  1 "Good morning lmao"
26 Gears  1 "a fistfull in the morning and another at night"
27 fizi-darkworld  1 "Hello Peepz"
28 Dysfunct1onal  1 "hello all"
29 Burger  1 "Hello justin sir"
30 Beauty  1 "Hello Justin :) super long while ! How be you ?"

#konnect-chat's smilers

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 nero-kcirc  19 "that’s good. hours and hours 😝"
2 Superfly-kcirc  15 "i PROMISE you will like it :)"
3 Mystic  9 "Pretty good 😊 wbu"
4 Superfly  4 ":P"
5 Hazel  4 "Justin tysm ☺️"
6 Dunham_Robert-hrs  4 ":P"
7 D1sfunct1onal-d  4 "Dont forget to register on the forum 😝"
8 D1srupt1ve-d  3 "well have a great day 😝"
9 Beauty  3 "I have around 200 of them :)"
10 Tourourouni  2 "mikey23 is that you?:p"
11 SeriouSaurus  2 "Hazel I'm not far from 50 :p"
12 Dysfunct1onal  2 ":)"
13 tinman  1 ":)"
14 Scientist  1 ":)"
15 RobzMobile  1 "😂"
16 ROBB  1 ":P"
17 Rob-hrs  1 ":P"
18 MILF-USA  1 "Please check out my YouTube Channel those who like and subscribe I'll give them a special surprise
😉 https://youtu.be/600mAmUiQRw?si=Dp0OAn9l0Y7FoSj-"
19 mikey23  1 "I know ☺️ used that seasoning before"
20 Manda  1 "Good then 🙂"
21 kiki  1 "Justin where is roasting bot? What is the command 🤔🙂"
22 Kayla  1 "I’m doing fantastic 😘"
23 Dragon  1 "that's positive :)"
24 BayLeaf  1 ":p"

#konnect-chat's short line writers

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 justin  590 "loll"
2 D1sfunct1onal-d  111 "Yea"
3 nero-kcirc  58 "true"
4 stevo  54 "..."
5 mikey23  51 "Brb"
6 Dysfunct1onal  35 "lol"
7 fleet  28 ":-)"
8 Dunham_Robert-hrs  23 "lol"
9 Suntop-ANC  20 "hi"
10 tinman  19 "lol"
11 Gears  19 "lol"
12 Superfly  17 "bbl"
13 Suntop-supervps  15 ":oP"
14 Superfly-kcirc  14 "=)"
15 Hazel  11 "🤔"
16 Suntop  10 "wd"
17 Mystic  10 "Wtf"
18 Leia-ANC  10 "yeah"
19 Rob-hrs  9 "pain"
20 D1sfunct1onal-app  9 "lol"
21 Leia  8 "lol"
22 ROBB  7 "yup"
23 bob  7 "how"
24 Robz  6 "lol"
25 Dunham_Robert-supervps  6 "hi"
26 D1srupt1ve-d  6 "lol"
27 ^_Just|n_^  5 "Loll"
28 ROBBB  4 "ok"
29 mikey-kcirc  4 "your"
30 Manda  4 "No"

#konnect-chat's most referred people!

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 D1sfunct1onal-d  3 <justin> D1sfunct1onal-d , I'm bacccccccck
2 Superfly  2 <justin> Superfly , what does the global mean. I don't get it???
3 Suntop  2 <AllNightCafe> Suntop, please look a bit closer at the memberlist of this channel.
4 Suntop-supervps  1 <Superfly-kcirc> Suntop-supervps: ah cool cool, i just had to update some stuff, coming
in now soon =) nice work bro =) we have one additional server im waiting
for to link here so we have one european konnectchatirc server too
, if not kx or cman gets their ass up and linked it soon we`ll add it to
super-vps . It`s called Aegis ;)
5 ROBBB  1 <Superfly-kcirc> ROBBB: D
6 ROBB  1 <Superfly-kcirc> ROBB: now u have to stop whoising me ;)
7 Mystic  1 <justin> Mystic : Manda was here just just : 9:35 AM <25B100• Manda> Mystic
8 mikey23  1 <justin> mikey23 , that's hilarious
9 cman  1 <Superfly> cman: is the MAN!
10 bob  1 <KSCC> Bob, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force turned artist, embraced the philosophy
that everyone could be a painter. He believed in the magic of happy
accidents, teaching his audience that mistakes were merely opportunities
for creativity to flourish. "In nature, there are no mistakes," he
would say, his brush dancing across the canvas, creating beautiful...

#konnect-chat's slappers

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 KCIN  3 * KCIN slaps fleet
2 jasperdett-kcirc  1 * jasperdett-kcirc slaps mikey23 around a bit with a large trout

Top 2 shouted nicks!

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 Superfly-kcirc  1 <tinman> Superfly-kcirc!!!!!!!!!!!
2 mikey23  1 <justin> mikey23 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#konnect-chat relation map

#konnect-chat relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.25
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

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mIRCStats v1.25 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen