#kisschat.co.uk stats from HybridIRC - Updated Daily!

Statistics generated from Tuesday 23 Apr 2024 to Monday 29 Apr 2024
398 people visited #kisschat.co.uk in the last 7 days

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Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

Daily chat activity









Activity by hours

3.7% 2.6% 2.5% 2.4% 1.2% 0.8% 1.5% 1.6% 2.6% 3.6% 4.8% 5.8% 5.0% 5.0% 6.5% 5.4% 3.2% 2.8% 5.3% 6.4% 6.0% 6.8% 8.6% 6.1%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

(UTC +1 - United Kingdom)

Long term statistics - two month sections


3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
Total: 5075697 lines
Estimated number of lines for current section: 444446 lines

4/2022 was a good month for #kisschat.co.uk - 255604 lines spoken

Big Numbers

Steph almost deafened everyone in #kisschat.co.uk, shouting 24% of the time!
is freakshow stupid or just asking too many questions? 29% of lines contained a question!

Joe90 was also looking for answers with a question ratio of 23%.

icon seemed to prefer talking to themself, writing over 5 lines in a row 47 times...

vampsy also liked talking to themselve - caught on camera 27 times.

Highest CAPS ratio: AUSSIErobsayz with 576 of words in CAPS.
 27 Apr 8:42 <AUSSIErobsayz> WE AMMED 4 TIMES
Channel activity peak: 23 people were active on 27 Apr 2024 22:00 - 23:00
Active users during this 60-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 leftus, Pinkie, SheeEp, Danielle, Milla, kiddaaa, watty1, Mlila, wattyl, tortoise, Kenny, clamhammer, steeler, TheWeeknd, jacobs, Khandi, Nostalgia, millaaa, Ieftus, Pascal-Montana, MMORPG, godsgift, Steph
Steph didn't know when to stop typing, averaging 54 letters per line.

Channel average on #kisschat.co.uk was 31 letters.

#kisschat.co.uk's multiple-personality disorder sufferers (they just couldn't find the right one...)
watty19 Nicks watty1(77%), watty4(8.8%), watty7(7.1%), watty3(5.9%), Watty01(0.2%), watty53(0.2%), Watty(0.2%), watty2(0.1%), watty56(0.0%)
play5 Nicks play(96%), play20(1.3%), play57(1.0%), play63(1.0%), play67(0.5%)
Pascal-Montana5 Nicks Pascal-Montana(91%), Pascal_Montana(8.0%), Pascal_Montana96(0.7%), Pascal--Montana(0.2%), Pascal-Montana94(0.1%)
julie9014 Nicks julie901(61%), Julie1(25%), julie29(10%), julie902(3.6%)
kiddaaa4 Nicks kiddaaa(95%), kiddaaa1(2.7%), kiddaaa90(1.1%), kiddaaa10(0.8%)

Top 200

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 watty1 3302 "🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣"
2 icon 2725 "Grillo Peter bright has a trailer for his mobility scooter"
3 Kenny 2537 "and he takes it up the shitter dani lol"
4 vampsy 1838 "kenny be more intelligent off weed aand tabacco and drink"
5 TheWeeknd 1832 "jenni u go know if vida comes she not coming back right?"
6 sherry 1672 "icons never here after 4pm so hes changed niks"
7 Pascal-Montana 1438 "you are the biggest liar in here"
8 freakshow 1357 "pour some sugar on me...............................right now i'm more interested
in chessey rock by def leppard"
9 Milla 1253 "take care . toon i will bully you more soon as for spice head mick poor
you got yourself a beast to sleep with tonight  looool"
10 play 1247 "Kenny I am watching "Chips""
11 Lorri 1080 "no freak never ever have you#"
12 kiddaaa 893 "Lonely. What's the best book you've read"
14 Danielle 744 "Woofy65 ur too sick."
15 Steph 624 "LoL watty... No issues with looking like a fool in here"
16 Sons 580 "An every deserves a chance"
18 lefty 546 "strap a door to ya back mick make sure u dont fall in"
19 SELINAGUCCI 519 "if u feel hyper its a boy"
20 Pinkie 503 "dont worry am dressed lol"
21 Cg 494 "any plans  after work  Steph?"
22 Hayley 453 "So we can fight 1 -1 "
23 vampricas 437 "were you trolll city there"
24 David_Lo-Pan 432 "Fat Tim, do you still wear Brut buddy?"
25 _GRiLLo_ 425 "You're not successful or wealthy you bankrupt Dooley"
28 SheeEp 422 "it's bob fucking sinclar lol"
29 Northy 420 "its ok i wont smell it"
30 OneStepBeyond 416 "Hayley won't be able to get her head out the room now"
31 JenniCricket 353 "That would make anyone limp"
32 Fukitol 333 "it's because she was drunk"
33 leftus 324 "i call her daddies little unicorn slut she flips out"
34 Peanut 316 "i saw summit about peter kay"
36 MongCake 303 "i work 4 days a week now"
37 Joe90 284 "she's a bigwig in the burnley tesco world"
38 MrPurple 252 "I like one on one I just seen this as something to do while your young
and it wasn't like what you see on porn ... it was sloppy ... I kept getting
soft from the alcohol and in the end we all went to bed lol"
39 Run_It_Selecta 236 "Freakshow my fist will put you through a door like a wristband"
40 twisted 232 "Kenny. I wonder if they serve alcohol"
41 jellyfish 226 "sleep early Danielle thats the answer"
42 Khandi 220 "yeah man, I saw Newcastle won 5-1"
43 HammerTimePheadXo 219 "hey icon, how long do you think it'll take Kenny there to die of his drug
44 Barbarian 202 "They are clearly very mentally weak."
45 Millaa 197 " Oh, yeah i'm a  such a Bitch  lol"
46 Pascal-Alaska 186 "Jane always remember I'm a hun"
48 Gongs 173 "Rob is the only man who rolls up the sleeves on his tweed blazer when
going clubbing"
49 Fish4life 170 "chips are an extra 4.99"
50 iconicCEO 162 "Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
51 meaghedeLic 160 "It's so beautiful you sit in chat for 70 hours a week making up stories
about living in montana"
52 zap 144 "Ah not you then lol"
53 KintohpatatinPheadXo 143 "I'm not being silly, are you unfamiliar with the health detriments brought
about by smoking spliffs?"
54 Ciroc 142 "Normally glad to see Wolves lose but they were in my bet"
55 PascaI-Montana 132 "Play do you actually like coffee"
56 Dxve 132 "What you got for tea?"
57 aausieROBSAYZ 131 "freakshow     FOCUS"
58 stopchat 125 "I want one chat victim in real life , before I (hopefully) retire from this
chat for good."
59 pIay 110 "guys wish me luck im going to the proctologists tomorrow to correct
my piles"
60 Shadow_Demon 103 "it's a shame Mongcake has a terminal ilness, and not Kenny"
61 JOBLESS-ICON_loving_Icon 100 "Kenny you don't deserve any money You're capable of working but
you choose not to"
62 T5T75757565656 98 "FREAKSHOW stop using the lotion up your arse"
63 OP 96 "he's gone to fill it in, he forgot the bit about the fags"
64 MyNutsAreWaiting 96 "bet ya Jenni squirted when she read that"
66 The_Incomparable_Cuyahosebag 92 "Enclose a $100 bill to cover processing costs."
67 StormVuLT 90 "I don't want to know what people are experiencing, because for me
, over 98% of people are stupid af"
68 kopp 81 "Uploaded file: https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/files/2a2249e05d1b14efa343e5...
69 Deltam 81 "vampsy get me I’ll be your dog"
70 SecretAgentSigma 79 ""The definition of madness is repeating the same thing again and
again and expecting different results""
72 pienmash 76 "fish4life you can never be batterd"
73 Wolfy65 75 "I am nearly 60 get loads of test now"
75 incredible 74 "OneStepBeyond dont ever bad mouth brussel sprouts again or you
're dead"
76 MMORPG 73 "loooooooooool pull the other one Milla, it's got bells on"
78 Garvo 72 "elvis is back at her original home"
79 CountDrunkula 71 "Robert, however, is almost blind from syphillis"
80 chips 69 "watty1 you are that prick"
81 abodynoname 69 "Sick man. Sick sick man."
82 Cuyahosebag 68 "There's plenty of great scenery outside the cities, but the cities are
where all the interesting shit is happening."
83 Clear 67 "ah you bald?"
85 TerrificOne 62 "https://i.pinimg.com/736x/45/68/11/45681116092e7753e72ab77d0721973...
86 Ray-Burger-Alaska 61 "Record on booze in a day = 26 cans of absinthe 5 litres of scrumpy
4 litres of lambrini & 5 litres of gin "
87 Mlila 58 "Uploaded file: https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/files/148a81d90a42fc2f144d1b...
88 Iefty 58 "im logged in twice in the list u knob doing it my way"
89 hider 56 "rob you're very handsome, like rowan atkinson"
90 jib 55 "i dont like shopping online but i do like shopping online so i do shop online
sometimes but i dont like shopping online so i dont shop online very
91 silk 54 "Uploaded file: https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/files/cf574f44feb30f6818a556c...
92 Shiba 53 "AUSSIRrobsayz do not be agitated uncle , its bad for your BP"
93 Route67 53 "mass exodus super quick"
94 JeSTeR 52 "Have you seen the ugly little thing?"
95 Lesbian_Coochie_Hijinx 51 "Play claims Obama was not born in the US because that's what Fat
Donald told him to think."
96 marty 50 "My new story is boring for all but my daughters 21st on Saturday gonna
have it large !"
97 perrry 47 "My highest break is 8 flagons of scrumpy cider"
98 I_Mod 47 "this room is moderated whether you like it or not"
100 kissprotectionracket 45 "sos about protection"
101 Shalom_Kikes 44 "mongcake do u have kids?"
102 scotsgirl 42 "the programme or the place?"
103 laser6 42 "ive seen icon spar hes the real deal"
104 YG_ 40 "i love how the whole room turned on watty and ugly toon loool  they
always come here and we all just keep bullying them loool love it :D"
105 Tiggertoggle 40 "There is nothing to be mental about"
106 fatlad 40 "watty isa pathetic sort"
108 sam 39 "maybe i'm too old here lol"
109 toodaloo 38 "guess you dont do a school run"
110 spam 38 "i used to be an alcho"
111 Slaughter 38 "Still most people are ignoran and not open minded t to even sit down
and watch a foreign film in subititles."
112 need_a_bosum_4a_pillow 38 "i read that as kenny and simon"
113 henk 38 "do you wear satin panties"
114 hammer11 37 "griffin will never learn"
116 Emmaa 36 "also i didnt notice you were here lol"
117 Loulabelle 35 "My ex looked like Eddie Hearn and we did a looooooot of coke around
that time... We never actually asked to meet up."
118 LolaRose 34 "he smells horrible fukitol"
119 AceSchwing 34 "Ahh Portrush, just up the road"
120 itsmeyeah 33 "Are you lonely mate? Upset? Angry? Have a disjointed unsupportive
family network? You sound troubled"
121 Gurtlush 33 "Hey.. Please call 07881364903 or 01935 706480"
122 perry 32 "Fart tim looks like an obese version of the overseer in Vault 12 in Fallout"
123 City_Of_Gods 32 "I remember brylcreem adverts with beckham on way back in the day"
124 starfish 31 "too bad she far far out of reach"
125 kevinfromClacton 31 "He still living at home brings them back"
126 MyraHindley 30 "spreads her legs and waits for a thick cock inside her"
127 Phead4aMomentXx 29 "Loulabelle <------------------------- why would anyone want to stalk
you? You're a misfit and an ignorant git"
128 Dust 29 "id think there's not enough to argue with anymore"
129 avanty 29 "yagot mr sherry glued to the telly ?"
130 lefticle 28 "willy up bum for vampsy"
131 Ali_Joky 28 "you'll get smoked right now bruv"
132 jacob 26 "I'm stalking you because I want you"
133 spaghettibollognese 25 "bet letty knows what they are"
134 pluck 25 "Pascal's name registered I've noticed icon yours is not tended to be
135 Peeking-duck 24 "i am leaving this site in disgust"
136 habanero 24 "you're on the wrong route fam"
137 Gymnastic 24 "blimey sherry you're two places above icon"
138 sherrry 22 "Then burps in scotsgirls ugly fat face"
139 Pinkiee 22 "I can't even spell "
140 Pascal-Miami 22 "webchat@n7u.i2p.54.185.IP"
141 LittleWilly 22 "gm Northy, i expected no less here LOL"
142 jackburton 22 "tdavid lo pan his humpty dumpty"
143 cfnobcaa 22 "your'e mother taste nice"
144 Shalom_Motherfuker 21 "meaghedeLic thats so low for USA lol good."
145 hjgv 21 "up the bum?"
146 PrinceAndrew 20 "fat girls are ugly i just have a fat c0ck"
147 Cordate 20 "hiya Fukitol xxxxxxxxxxx"
148 dune 19 "toon claims hes cybered countless men on her name"
149 SmokinSkull 18 "🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣"
150 Dodo 18 "You can still buy mini eggs"
151 AndrewTate 18 "dead"
152 thehun 17 "they pluralise everything"
153 Snooker 17 "I had Limhole removed"
154 recko 17 "I said sorry Milla."
155 Delta 17 "I like toast is that ok ?"
156 br 17 "Certainly! Patronizing refers to a form of behavior or communication
where one person adopts a condescending or superior attitude towards
another person. It involves talking down to someone, treating them as
if they are less intelligent, capable, or knowledgeable than oneself.
It can be unintentional or deliberate, but it often comes across as"
157 aussieROBSAYZAUSSIErobsayz 17 "LOV YA"
158 The_President_of_Kisschat 16 "Rob Matthews my vice president"
159 tracker 15 "funny how you ain't ill enough to miss 1 day on here"
160 Pascal-Dakota 15 "ravi is now known as JOBLESS-ICON"
161 Jon 15 "Unlike fat toon the honey monster"
163 ToonUberEatsQueen1 14 "toon toon toon fatty fatty fatty oi oi oi"
164 Pascal-icon 14 "THE REAL ONE IS REGISTERED"
165 Nostalgia 13 "Honestly, is there no real conversation here?"
167 godsgift 13 "begining to wonder whats more entertaining this room or watching
paint dry"
168 ggg64 13 "Uploaded file: https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/files/d864902228296f335f264e...
169 custard 13 "watty1 has a micro penis"
170 Canadaukcooler 13 "MILLA say something "
171 Bomfunk_mc 13 "Uploaded file: https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/files/53121629f6f2bfbf1a1bcc8...
172 tobi 12 "i am very undecisive"
173 goonies 12 "but iam doing sommat different"
174 Hertford 11 "we saw the double negative"
175 barishimo 11 "because you said you're drowning"
176 Lueye 10 "Oh   so he's a deviate"
177 littlevicki77 10 "anyone chatting this fine early morning lol"
178 Iefticle 10 "Uploaded file: https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/files/b59601f33d5ea565a3a0a8...
179 FitPhead-B-Town 10 "I must warn Icon not to fall for her haram holes"
180 Evil-Bill 10 "I should have known."
181 ann 10 "Time to change names"
183 sincoo 9 "Milla yer bitch ok"
184 SELlNAGUCCI 9 "yeah they use lies against me"
185 pastamasta 9 "watty1 got owwwwwnnnedddd"
186 nipple 9 "who's that petal cunt calling a fucking rapist"
187 maggiemay2 9 "i did he was in the chippy"
188 kate 9 "not sure who that is"
189 Chilli 9 "Also think of the positives… the 2040 GB Olympic swim team is going
to be banging at this rate"
190 toilet 8 "once again it s time to unzip those trousers & unleash the gods
of war"
192 Lisa 8 "Uploaded file: https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/files/9105e060fc24e189699391...
193 kong 8 "freakshow is it true dani was less than impressed with you being 5ft1"
194 KISSCHAT_IS_DEAD 8 "close this chatroom. It's overs"
195 TWISTER 7 "But bad for social life"
196 Sherrys_husband 7 "That lazy dossbag is 28 stone"
197 millaaa 7 "Milla I fooking wants uuuu"
198 MiIIa 7 "Old man kiddaaa hahaha"
199 Lord_Alan_Bunker_CEO 7 "My uncle Tim is sick"
200 Ieftus 7 "no fried chicken for mo mo kicking off"

Those who didn't reach the Top 200
gg4 (7) david_|o-pan (7) da_Waz (7) bari6 (7) Banks (7) vvatty4 (6)
tinde (6) sinco (6) Richard10 (6) PointAndClick (6) Pascal-Maryland (6) jacobs (6)
g1 (6) cracked (6) baggie (6) Alarm (6) yaasir_cash (5) Underpants (5)
tin (5) theunknown (5) Talker (5) SubGinger (5) Pascal-Biden (5) Milo (5)
Maggie (5) EnglishGal (5) Dominic (5) benjj94 (5) beaver69 (5) bambo (5)
arsehole (5) SerialRaplst (4) PETALDUST (4) pak15 (4) Olivia07 (4) namesake (4)
LittleWilIy (4) Jew (4) jardin (4) haiiii (4) Dezz (4) zosia (3)
youngerfchat (3) yapo (3) Witch-King (3) usher (3) undysassy (3) stupidNews (3)
Stanley39 (3) Sophia07 (3) skutterudite (3) shrinks (3) rafi (3) nur (3)
niceguysfinishlast (3) nero62 (3) mygreennutsarewaiting (3) LimahI (3) Lake (3) karey (3)
Gleb (3) GarryGlitter (3) Fred (3) diane (3) Davika (3) Crunchie (3)
Chatter-0572828742020594 (3) bloke (3) Alexpapi (3) aaronwalton (3) yoooo (2) wattyl (2)
Tweetypies (2) tortoise (2) sissymia (2) Ser_Jamie_Lannister (2) SELlNAGUCCl (2) scribe (2)
Scouser9ncha (2) scott (2) QAnon (2) protectionracket (2) painterman35 (2) nonsense (2)
Minge (2) Mettlesome (2) LondonMale (2) limin (2) Koala (2) jwm123 (2)
juIie901 (2) jmwm123 (2) jayyyy (2) hrnyMarried (2) Hapixel (2) giles (2)
FukitoI (2) fdd (2) Eggs (2) DrHu (2) cfnoBVAA (2) canister (2)
bristol (2) BigBoootyBoy (2) zenny (1) zakkk (1) zack (1) Ying (1)
yhghhh (1) wsajzi0w (1) Wendy83 (1) weetabix (1) vv (1) urko (1)
ukyorkets (1) UKM35 (1) turdtime (1) ToonLass (1) tgh (1) Tbb (1)
sweet-todd (1) Sunny (1) Stratford (1) stevieF (1) steeler (1) SingleMale (1)
shutters (1) SellyOakly (1) Reshma4 (1) ravi (1) Raspberry (1) peter30 (1)
peadodraculaa (1) Patricia-A-Bailey (1) Pascal_Jobcentre (1) paddingtonguy123 (1) ownyou (1) nottsm (1)
nigirl (1) niallbfd (1) mikesubb (1) mike30 (1) mforuonly (1) Melissa (1)
Max (1) ManxMinx (1) Lilly (1) lharris (1) leon15 (1) kiss (1)
Kevinfunboy (1) kepler (1) KELLY (1) js (1) jovi18 (1) john64 (1)
jmbm (1) jeromeboateng (1) jayb (1) jay (1) Jameson (1) Jack (1)
ilovecok (1) Iconoclast (1) honeypot (1) Hianat (1) havant (1) HappyJulie67 (1)
haha1 (1) ghybef (1) Georgeo (1) George (1) Funsta (1) esa071 (1)
Emilian (1) edinburghteen (1) dndndn (1) Dirt94 (1) Dingdong (1) desikuthi (1)
deadmanwalking (1) Cpl_Leics (1) corey (1) clamhammer (1) Bwttyboop (1) BREAKINGNEWS (1)
binman (1) bigbulge24 (1) bhabilover69 (1) BenAdamsA1 (1) barish (1) banacek (1)
bailee (1) andyx (1) AmieL (1) akii (1) ahahaha (1) abi (1)

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1watty1 - 529
sherry - 844
icon - 1872
watty1 - 1779
2Milla - 393
Kenny - 773
Kenny - 887
Pascal-Montana - 1374
3TheWeeknd - 334
vampsy - 650
sherry - 828
play - 1112
4AUSSIRrobsayz - 312
icon - 623
watty1 - 799
TheWeeknd - 1030
5Hayley - 279
AUSSIErobsayz - 478
Lorri - 435
Kenny - 867
6vampsy - 261
freakshow - 418
_GRiLLo_ - 424
freakshow - 728
7Pinkie - 258
julie901 - 363
TheWeeknd - 355
vampsy - 611
8JenniCricket - 245
vampricas - 329
vampsy - 316
Lorri - 558
9SheeEp - 225
David_Lo-Pan - 267
Cg - 304
kiddaaa - 494
10freakshow - 211
kiddaaa - 302
Milla - 474

(UTC +1 - United Kingdom)

Activity distribution

7/2023 - 4/2024

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0.4%)
2 (0.8%)
16 (6.2%)
56 (22%)
112 (43%)
66 (25%)
7 (2.7%)


1 / 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
Lines: 220315
2 / 2024
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29
Lines: 201370
3 / 2024
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 233583
4 / 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29
Lines: 203555


7 / 2023
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Lines: 230293
8 / 2023
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 239385
9 / 2023
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 215044
10 / 2023
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8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Lines: 175109
11 / 2023
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5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 21880
12 / 2023
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 126288

Chat partners

People who talk most to each other

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Millawatty1 1 Kennysherry
2 Stephwatty1 2 Millaicon
3 MillaTheWeeknd 3 David_Lo-Panicon
4 SheeEpTheWeeknd 4 DanielleSteph
5 Stephhider 5 Kennyicon
6 AUSSIRrobsayzShiba 6 Northysherry
7 TheWeekndwatty1 7 freakshowsherry
8 SheeEpwatty1 8 David_Lo-PanMilla
9 HayleyJenniCricket 9 KennyNorthy
10 HayleyMrPurple 10 Stephvampsy
11 Pinkiehider 11 iconsherry
12 PinkieMilla 12 Stephsherry
13 Pinkiewatty1 13 leftyvampsy
14 MillaMillaa 14 KennySteph
15 HayleyOneStepBeyond 15 KennyAUSSIEsayz
16 PinkieTheWeeknd 16 AUSSIErobsayzicon
17 Millakopp 17 Kennyjulie901
18 TheWeekndicon 18 Gongsicon
19 AUSSIRrobsayzMillaa 19 julie901sherry
20 PinkieSteph 20 Danielleicon

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 iconsherry 1 leftyplay
2 iconKenny 2 KennyPascal-Montana
3 iconjane 3 Lorriwatty1
4 Lorriwatty1 4 Joe90watty1
5 _GRiLLo_icon 5 Lorriplay
6 HammerTimePheadXoKenny 6 playPascal-Montana
7 HammerTimePheadXoicon 7 TheWeekndwatty1
8 chipswatty1 8 TheWeekndLorri
9 Kennysherry 9 TheWeekndicon
10 Peanutsherry 10 Pinkiewatty1
11 Cgsherry 11 Run_It_Selectafreakshow
12 Gongsicon 12 MillaTheWeeknd
13 TheWeekndlefty 13 Danielleplay
14 leftyvampsy 14 Pascal-Montanawatty1
15 leftyLorri 15 leftuswatty1
16 Stephsherry 16 Pascal-Montanaicon
17 StephCg 17 Kennyplay
18 Peanuticon 18 freakshowwatty1
19 LorriSons 19 KennySons
20 LorriTheWeeknd 20 TheWeekndfreakshow

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days percentage
1 sherry  7
2 Danielle  7
3 kiddaaa  7
4 lefty  7
5 Cg  7
6 Peanut  7
7 Northy  7
8 Kenny  7
9 play  7
10 vampsy  7
11 icon  6
12 LQQK87  6
13 SheeEp  6
14 _GRiLLo_  6
15 Deltam  6
16 jane  6
17 JenniCricket  6
18 Pascal-Montana  6
19 watty1  6
20 OneStepBeyond  6

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At Currently
1 Northy  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
2 Peanut  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
3 Kenny  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
4 vampsy  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
5 play  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
6 Danielle  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
7 sherry  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
8 kiddaaa  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
9 Cg  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
10 lefty  7 23 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 7 days active
11 SheeEp  6 24 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 6 days active
12 Deltam  6 24 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 6 days active
13 Pascal-Montana  6 23 Apr - 28 Apr 2024
  Currently 6 days active *
14 watty1  5 25 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 5 days active
15 twisted  5 23 Apr - 27 Apr 2024
  Last active 2 days ago (27 Apr 2024)
16 Lorri  5 25 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 5 days active
17 OneStepBeyond  5 25 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 5 days active
18 freakshow  4 26 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 4 days active
19 Fukitol  4 23 Apr - 26 Apr 2024
  Last active 3 days ago (26 Apr 2024)
20 TheWeeknd  4 26 Apr - 29 Apr 2024
  Currently 4 days active

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
45.. 4 Steph(53.8), HammerTimePheadXo(53.8), MrPurple(47.3), Barbarian(4...
42..44 5 stopchat(44.4), _GRiLLo_(43.8), Run_It_Selecta(42.7), Peanut(42.4), K...
39..41 5 Pascal-Montana(41.1), meaghedeLic(39.4), Shadow_Demon(39.3), Pa...
36..38 4 JOBLESS-ICON_loving_Icon(38.9), Pascal-Alaska(37.3), lefty(36.6), fr...
33..35 4 David_Lo-Pan(35.9), OneStepBeyond(35.4), Danielle(35.0), icon(34.2)
30..32 9 Lorri(32.4), iconicCEO(31.4), leftus(31.1), SELINAGUCCI(31.0), MongC...
27..29 11 Northy(29.6), kiddaaa(28.9), play(28.9), JenniCricket(28.4), twisted(28...
24..26 4 Joe90(26.5), TheWeeknd(26.5), Milla(26.4), Hayley(24.9)
21..23 8 Fish4life(23.5), zap(23.3), watty1(23.1), AUSSIErobsayz(23.0), Pinkie(...
..20 7 julie901(19.8), vampricas(18.7), vampsy(18.5), AUSSIEsayz(18.4), AU...

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

Most frequently repeated words

Count Word Last used by At
1887 "that" Route67 29 Apr 23:53
1347 "your" Route67 29 Apr 23:52
1240 "like" Route67 29 Apr 23:52
1240 "have" Route67 29 Apr 23:49
1209 "with" Dust 29 Apr 23:55
1043 "here" Dust 29 Apr 23:46
902 "what" lefty 29 Apr 22:36
824 "they" Route67 29 Apr 23:35
770 "just" Dust 29 Apr 23:46
722 "know" Slaughter 29 Apr 22:36

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
860 "icon" Slaughter 29 Apr 22:15
820 "Kenny" APPLE 29 Apr 15:09
624 "lefty" Route67 29 Apr 23:50
533 "Lorri" kiddaaa 29 Apr 23:17
400 "play" pIay 29 Apr 23:20

Who has their own private vocabulary?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
86 watty1 "offf"(3), "offs"(3), "whor"(3), "Lmfaoooooo"(41), "isint"(4), "highly"(3), "*opens"(3),
"sucidel"(3), "pisspot"(3), "fancies"(3), "playoffs"(3), "crackhead"(5), "intrested"(4),
"lolololol"(3), "loooooooool"(7), "hahahahahhaa"(8), "hahahahhahaha"(5),
"hahahahahhahaa"(4), "ahahhahahahaha"(3), "loooooooooooooool"(5)
74 Pascal-Montana "elderly"(22), "Lynx"(7), "vote"(5), "bake"(3), "alien"(3), "Arizona"(7), "gabish"(3),
"Logging"(4), "backside"(5), "hydrated"(3), "Portland"(3), "acid-cat"(5), "kiddaaa "(5),
"Resembles"(5), "virtually"(4), "Pinocchio"(3), "pineapple"(3), "compulsive"(4),
"individuals"(4), "opportunity"(3)
69 icon "waist"(8), "Chop"(5), "fuel"(4), "cords"(4), "selfie"(7), "insurance"(15), "iphone"(6),
"depart"(4), "donate"(4), "recluse"(6), "replica"(3), "assault"(3), "busking"(3), "resident"(4),
"luncheon"(4), "pervitin"(3), "darlings"(3), "ensemble"(3), "Grittleton"(7), "Poundland"(3)
55 Kenny "innit "(13), "tonk"(3), "cuyu"(3), "zztop"(4), "cured"(4), "ket "(3), "naaaa"(3),
"sheeps"(5), "dani "(5), "chin "(4), "prick "(5), "change "(4), "myself "(4),
"better "(3), "months "(3), "character"(4), "earlier "(3), "daughter "(3),
"scotland "(3), "gaslighting"(3)
37 Milla " :D"(28), "at "(7), " Old"(10), " oi"(4), "sakes"(5), "skies"(3), "RIP "(3), "Jennie"(6),
"Khando"(3), " awww"(3), " Mlila"(3), "constant"(4), " Kerrie"(4), "autograph"(6),
" Icon "(3), " ahhahaha"(4), " hahahaha"(3), " jellyfish"(3), "attention "(3),
32 play "MEAGHAN"(34), "FAUX"(9), "Hoser"(10), "hack"(5), "thye"(3), "stink"(4), "tasty"(3),
"alley"(3), "tests"(3), "phoenix"(9), "hILLS"(3), "bummin"(3), "retired"(4), "156k"(4),
"tredmill"(5), "YERRRRRR"(3), "somehting"(3), "retirement"(3), "VACCINATED"(3),
32 sherry "pead"(7), "duck"(3), "naaa"(3), "kyle"(3), "loaf"(3), "realy"(6), "wally"(3), "HOMES"(3),
"hoping"(6), "german"(4), "sittin"(4), "shakin"(3), "usualy"(3), "meself"(3), "spiders"(5),
"nutcase"(4), "goldfish"(3), "kennypoos"(5), "warburtons"(6), "macdonalds"(4)
26 kiddaaa "vult"(5), " ah"(4), "copd"(4), "poet"(3), "fairy"(4), "Odeon"(3), "elsie"(3), " yeah"(5),
"debate"(4), " Pasc"(3), "nervous"(4), "gurning"(3), "decades"(3), "obvious"(3),
"contain"(3), " silly"(3), "trophies"(5), "Stephane"(4), " people"(3), "programme"(3)
24 Lorri "yeap"(19), "fecking"(20), "becuze"(14), "thnx"(7), "outta"(10), "cudnt"(9), "babe"(4),
"cupcake"(10), "fckinell"(12), "say "(3), "thnx "(3), "nutjob"(3), "fecker"(3), "banging"(4),
"feeding"(4), "dumbass"(3), "airline"(3), "punters"(3), "giggling"(5), "husbands"(3)
21 Danielle "yummy"(10), " I’m"(13), "I’ll"(9), "needa"(4), " Was"(3), "casual"(4), "itself"(4),
"cringe"(3), " I’ve"(8), "how’s"(5), " Maybe"(4), "dessert"(4), " It’s"(7),
"leather"(3), "Doesn’t"(8), " She’s"(8), "trousers"(4), " I’ll"(4),
" That’s"(3), "couldn’t"(3)

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
26 Pascal-Montana and play "kiddo"(56), "trip"(4), "soda"(3), "virus"(4), "entire"(7), "fired"(3), "juice"(3), "Obama"(3),
"stench"(5), "Democrats"(11), "pensioner"(11), "abusing"(4), "express"(3),
"ultrasound"(10), "Lesbians"(3), "cosmetic"(3), "liberals"(3), "persecuted"(3),
"Republicans"(3), "ADMINISTRATION"(4)
21 Kenny and sherry "camel"(20), "knee"(9), "laws"(6), "knit"(4), "mines"(6), "stool"(4), "paris"(4), "rugby"(3),
"gangs"(3), "suing"(3), "hotter"(3), "jaccamo"(4), "popcorn"(4), "vinegar"(3), "virgins"(3),
"harbour"(3), "worktop"(3), "fortune"(3), "blaming"(3), "Reindeer"(3)
21 icon and _GRiLLo_ "vest"(9), "flock"(12), "mile"(8), "adhd"(6), "oxfam"(7), "autism"(9), "TONS"(3), "ledge"(5),
"wheel"(4), "VIDEOS"(7), "prime"(3), "trailer"(9), "Hughes"(6), "googled"(8), "toupee"(5),
"wealthy"(5), "further"(3), "dismissed"(4), "Unfiltered"(3), "screenshots"(3)
17 Kenny and Cg "day "(11), "good "(14), "asks"(4), "mental "(14), "few "(4), "work "(6), "fun "(3),
"Play "(5), "cool "(4), "true "(4), "days "(4), "hard "(3), "ready "(3), "great "(3),
"insane "(6), "please "(3), "thought "(3)
16 vampsy and vampricas "naaah"(15), "naah"(7), "vice"(6), "pissoff"(14), "ulgy"(3), "coop"(3), "whose"(6),
"fuckum"(7), "minds"(3), "ihave"(3), "willie"(3), "naaaah"(3), "incest"(3), "triangle"(3),
"INNOCENT"(3), "elsewhere"(3)
16 Kenny and Lorri "ok "(11), "sons "(13), "too "(7), "doors"(6), "wtf "(6), "apron"(3), "duncan"(6),
"nights"(5), "kids "(4), "clue "(3), "legs "(3), "ever "(3), "what "(3), "drugs "(3),
"pissed "(4), "either "(3)
15 Kenny and Pascal-Montana "Welsh"(9), "cope"(5), "dyke"(4), "actor"(5), "handy"(5), "switch"(6), "leader"(5), "illegal"(8),
"commit"(3), "filmed"(3), "laptops"(4), "college"(3), "skilled"(3), "insanity"(3),
"wankers "(6)
15 icon and sherry "Grandad"(13), "rolex"(6), "warts"(6), "Drives"(9), "venue"(4), "fields"(7), "mallet"(7),
"stamp"(3), "landed"(5), "parked"(4), "antique"(3), "nostrils"(6), "stamped"(3),
"smashing"(3), "modelling"(4)
14 Pascal-Montana and freakshow "claim"(18), "jeff"(3), "risk"(3), "brush"(5), "views"(4), "capable"(9), "resort"(4),
"perform"(6), "Justice"(3), "planning"(5), "realises"(3), "Mohammed"(3), "behaviour"(4),
14 sherry and Pascal-Montana "flip"(6), "shops"(8), "Sips"(4), "sink"(4), "flops"(5), "olives"(3), "hairdo"(3), "chewing"(4),
"charges"(4), "standing"(6), "divorced"(4), "national"(4), "decisions"(3), "Department"(3)

#kisschat.co.uk's descriptive people!

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 turdtime  5 * turdtime drips
2 play  2 * play sounds like the smartest person in the room
3 kiddaaa  2 * kiddaaa gives pasc a big kiss on the nose
4 Fish4life  2 * Fish4life waves to Me2
5 zap  1 * zap coyly averts his gaze
6 Khandi  1 * Khandi cries uncontrollably at my mean clone
7 Kenny  1 * Kenny def leppard - let's get rocked
8 freakshow  1 * freakshow laughs

#kisschat.co.uk's stats analysts

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 icon  9 "Ray burger gongs idea of keep fit = 10 mins of yoga a day and 10 pints of 16% scrumpy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...
2 watty1  7 "So the stats are bullshit then"
3 sherry  4 "look at stats one haha"
4 _GRiLLo_  4 "Fag they aren't my stats "
5 TheWeeknd  3 "7 Invasion_Alert 1 "Judging by the stats, big kerry is here all morning and afternoon, then
daren't come on at night.""
6 Northy  3 "well if its not 1% its not ya cock willy"
7 StormVuLT  2 "I don't want to know what people are experiencing, because for me, over 98% of people are stupid
8 Steph  2 "That is 100% sherry... Really not hard to tell"
9 Sons  2 "Did yea know theres 0 % of anything in diet coke"
10 Pascal-Montana  2 "The chat stats has him in the top 5 daily"
11 Kenny  2 "5% fat face"
12 David_Lo-Pan  2 "According to Cosmopolitan magazine, a staggering 73% of women polled preferred Aries men
in bed"
13 Slaughter  1 "Ive reccomended loads of  Soviet films to people, and 99% of the time they usually don't end up
watching them"
14 Run_It_Selecta  1 "Some serious mingers and munters lol. Literally 90% of chatters are very ugly"
15 meaghedeLic  1 "3% black population YG 🤣"
17 julie901  1 "Cuz i have had 1% of it with double bilactrical unpeumona"
18 iconicCEO  1 "5% body fat poppet"
19 AUSSIErobsayz  1 "99% BRITS R STUPID"

#kisschat.co.uk's foodies

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 icon  61 "DUNE = Dunce Uneducated Noncey Egghead"
2 Danielle  23 "Hi Kenny.  Just chucked me dinner is air fryer"
3 sherry  22 "chips and rice tonight dear lol"
4 kiddaaa  20 " well I was the only one of us 3 brothers who stuck the veg factory. My younger bro literally left
at lunchtime lol"
5 Pascal-Montana  19 "Remember real pizza is made with rice flour"
6 Kenny  17 "must go and get some burgers off him lol"
7 AUSSIErobsayz  15 "KENNY=Just finished sex reassignment surgery and now I have a vagina. I have jars with my
eggs in my hands, and my husband is beside me»"
8 vampsy  11 "you must keep fish in your diet"
9 Lorri  10 "i killed my ex husbands fish "
10 SheeEp  9 "something with chips cos it's friday"
11 watty1  8 "cat fishing little slut"
12 TheWeeknd  8 "why what did the fish do?"
13 pienmash  8 "now its gone up fish4life £5000"
14 OneStepBeyond  8 "I had a nice meal tuna fried rice, with 2 fried eggs on top, chips, mushy peas & curry sauce
all over"
15 Steph  7 "Yep, we cook on wood fires, BBQ everyday... Wild rat, snake, fish... And other previously mentioned
meat... Delicate conversation! LoL"
16 play  7 "i had a orned beef sandwich last week and the salt was killer"
17 freakshow  7 "sherry i guess at the end of the day it's just ................................chips and rice"
18 SELINAGUCCI  6 "eau de toilete > burger bum thinks its toilet water"
19 Peanut  6 "lol no toast for me then any chips left over from last night"
20 lefty  6 "n her eggs dried up years ago anyways so if i did spunk up it has no recourse"
21 leftus  6 "nipples like dinner plates"
22 Garvo  6 "well look at sainsburies halal beef"
23 Sons  5 "He tried to cook a chicken once"
24 Northy  5 "my ex made toad in the hole open the oven the sausages fell our"
25 JenniCricket  5 "She made the cats dinner sheeep ys"
26 Fukitol  5 "spam and fried eggs lovely"
27 David_Lo-Pan  5 "Vamp, you ever add smoked salmon to your scrambled eggs son?"
28 _GRiLLo_  5 "That fat shit couldn't batter a fucking fish"
29 Pascal-Alaska  4 "Dani I recommend spam and baked beans for a balanced diet"
30 kissprotectionracket  4 "go shag fish for life jane you get free fish and chips"

#kisschat.co.uk's quoters

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Steph  65 "TheWeeknd, general perception with "my name""
2 The_Incomparable_Cuyahosebag  5 "Rob, it's not a "job" to sit in your armchair beating off to gay porn."
3 Lesbian_Coochie_Hijinx  4 "What "gimmick" is being used?"
4 lefty  4 "you come in here like a soilt brat insulting everybody then say lex is gonna  " do us in ""
5 Cuyahosebag  4 "Grillo, unlike you, I have four children and five grandchildren, so I'm probably not a "fag.""
6 play  3 "Kenny I am watching "Chips""
7 meaghedeLic  3 ""xandria I love you""
8 HammerTimePheadXo  3 "it's "than" not "then""
9 Ciroc  3 ""I could beat you in a snooker match""
10 zap  2 "Last night I had a dream I went to see a dream interpreter she said "you realise you're dreaming
11 thehun  2 "only Americans says "anyways""
12 MrPurple  2 "She had the Philippino accent and said " ittt okkk I can fly " and I said no you'll fucking
explode on the gravel lol"
13 Milla  2 "in russia we would call toon "mentally retarded masha the bear""
14 Kenny  2 "The "heritage and tradition" of Blackpool rock is under threat from an influx of "inferior
" Chinese imports and a shortage of skilled workers,"
15 JenniCricket  2 "I tell her all the time "do you want me to send you to your godparents?" Then she behaves
a min"
16 Hayley  2 "Someone should be called " Mr Pink ". Like Rohits favourite film, reservoir dogs "
17 CountDrunkula  2 "Freakshow:  "I want to be a crackhead!""
18 chips  2 ""hi everyone, my real names kiddaaa""
19 TheWeeknd  1 "7 Invasion_Alert 1 "Judging by the stats, big kerry is here all morning and afternoon, then
daren't come on at night.""
20 StormVuLT  1 "When Adam and Eve were created, they pointed at Queen Elizabeth, "Who is she?" God
said, "No idea. She was there when I arrived""
21 SecretAgentSigma  1 ""The definition of madness is repeating the same thing again and again and expecting different
22 Run_It_Selecta  1 " Islamic scholars have tended to regard dogs' saliva as impure; practically, this means anything
licked by a dog necessitates washing. Many Islamic jurists allowed owning dogs for herding, farming
, hunting, or protection, but prohibited ownership for reasons they regarded as "frivolous""
23 Phead4aMomentXx  1 "it's "its" when used as a possessive, Meagh"
24 Pascal-Alaska  1 "Lol at "Right I'm off and I won't be back this afternoon too busy""
25 pak15  1 "it's "you're" not "your" Martin"
26 OP  1 "is this part of the "mental" act?"
27 Nostalgia  1 "It says "Danielle", so how is it not Danielle?"
28 MyNutsAreWaiting  1 "want to be billed as "The Frick""
30 LimahI  1 "nobody's your "m8", Kenny. You're a worthless drunk pig who's on track to DIE like
a useless peon. You're a coward Kenny, and it's your own fault, you useless good-for-nothing
LOSER Kenny. "

#kisschat.co.uk's greeters

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Cg  22 "Hello Grillz  mornin"
2 Steph  16 "Good morning Cg, how are you?"
3 vampsy  14 "went today early morning"
4 kiddaaa  13 "i chat to khandi there and whoever else. In the morning"
5 Northy  12 "morning scots how are you"
6 Kenny  11 "only told me this morning "
7 TheWeeknd  10 "him and milla at 4 am this morning ranting "
8 Pascal-Alaska  10 "Right I'm off and I won't be back this afternoon too busy"
9 sherry  9 "down at the station early in the morning, see the little puffer trains all in a row lol"
10 icon  9 "Hello my loyal flock"
11 Milla  8 "ugly beyond words hey toon ;)"
12 KintohpatatinPheadXo  8 "hey Lorri you have 5 kids, don't you? Do none of them ever want to spend a Friday evening with
their mum? "
13 Peanut  7 "well here i am saturday morning watchng the simpsons lolon channel 4"
14 Pascal-Montana  7 "Beautiful afternoon here in Montana today"
15 SheeEp  6 "evening cg huggzz :)"
16 freakshow  6 "well smashed is a bit strong isn't it? considering everton were beaten 6-0 by chelsea last monday
17 watty1  5 "Loool hey Lorri love xxxx"
18 Pinkie  5 "u no may look less blurry if had my specs on hey haha"
19 Danielle  5 "Hello terrificone.  Wb"
20 Lorri  4 "apart from a kick in yeah bollox's but hey what new"
21 leftus  4 "lol your on form this morning"
22 julie901  4 "I have no idea on what's going on right now  but anywy g morning"
23 Fukitol  4 "good morning Danielle"
24 Cuyahosebag  4 "Weekend, there was a Sunday afternoon in May 1998 when I was nice"
25 vampricas  3 "hello hello"
26 twisted  3 " she's usually in during our morning. About 10 ish"
27 The_Incomparable_Cuyahosebag  3 "Good evening, Sheeep, you four-legged vermin."
28 SELINAGUCCI  3 "salam hello bonjour"
29 PascaI-Montana  3 "Good afternoon is it you"
30 OneStepBeyond  3 "one previous owner, high milage, ugly as sin, loads of scratches, marks etc & engine still
gets morning glory"

#kisschat.co.uk's smilers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 watty1  243 "Selina a gormless dosser 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"
2 icon  175 "Ray burger gongs does 10 mins of yoga on his mobility scooter - wanking off to the food channel
on freeview 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"
3 Milla  120 ":D"
4 SheeEp  70 "all in a days work kenny, you know how it is :D"
5 Barbarian  39 "Fatty and Thinny! 😂"
6 Hayley  32 "Fair enough 🤣🤣"
7 HammerTimePheadXo  31 "I can get to England easily :)"
8 lefty  29 "😉"
9 Run_It_Selecta  26 "I've always called them the jeremy kyle show types 😂"
10 David_Lo-Pan  24 "😂 😂 😂"
11 meaghedeLic  22 "A town inside of Phoenix? I thought Phoenix was the town 🤣"
12 leftus  22 "😉"
13 Steph  19 "I'm glad you found that, Selina :)"
14 KintohpatatinPheadXo  18 "Lorri <---------------------- I hope the Leeds police arrest you for failing to use commas. :)"
15 Danielle  18 "Aww Alex Huggins.  The best always r from NI ;)"
16 stopchat  15 "wasting police time 😂"
17 Millaa  15 "  :D"
18 MyraHindley  13 ":patrickseaweeddance:"
19 Mlila  13 "that 2nd picture .. has me dead 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂"
20 Kenny  12 ":P"
21 YG_  9 "toon acting hard again 🤣 🤣 🤣"
22 Shadow_Demon  9 "funny how someone completely stupid constantly calls people 'thick' in here 😄"
23 SmokinSkull  7 "🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣"
24 Slaughter  6 "Kiddaaa ''I'm an intellectual'' 😂"
25 MrPurple  6 "😅"
26 Lorri  6 ";)"
27 Shalom_Kikes  5 "That's how intelligent you are 😅"
28 Route67  5 "I miss winding up drumz about shit like this 😄"
29 Phead4aMomentXx  5 "no Loulabelle, I stated, quite lucidly, that you obfuscate the inherent dangers of the sex trade (
which you do) :)"
30 kopp  5 "I luv ❤️😘😘😘 you"

#kisschat.co.uk's short line writers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 watty1  441 "😂"
2 icon  294 "💋"
3 TheWeeknd  150 "lol"
4 vampsy  125 "yeah"
5 Kenny  123 "it's"
6 Lorri  114 "yes"
7 AUSSIErobsayz  105 "XAXA"
8 sherry  104 "lol"
9 freakshow  102 "lmao"
10 Milla  100 "Lmao"
11 Pinkie  94 "lol"
12 julie901  84 "Yes"
13 Hayley  65 "lol"
14 jane  60 "NO"
15 Danielle  53 "Lol"
16 SheeEp  52 "hha"
17 AUSSIEsayz  52 "LOL"
18 Pascal-Montana  46 "see"
19 lefty  45 "play"
20 kiddaaa  44 "🤘"
21 SELINAGUCCI  39 "oomg"
22 OneStepBeyond  37 "true"
23 AUSSIRrobsayz  35 "LOL"
24 Cg  34 "brb"
25 vampricas  31 "nowt"
26 leftus  30 "lol"
27 Millaa  29 "lol"
28 Fukitol  29 "ok"
29 Sons  27 "Lmao"
30 Khandi  26 "lol"

#kisschat.co.uk's most referred people!

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Cg  39 <Steph> Cg, he stayed at yours or coming later?
2 Kenny  20 <Gongs> Kenny, you ever watch the show Justified?
3 watty1  19 <Steph> Watty3, "no skin off my nose'.... What makes you think I'm fat?...
Not that it would matter, LoL
4 Danielle  17 <julie901> Danielle, take your temper out on the shed
5 vampsy  16 <Steph> vampsy, the muscles of the vagina relax... So can expand
6 sherry  9 <Steph> sherry, you got it
7 play  9 <Lesbian_Coochie_Hijinx> Play, there is a New York Penal Law section that makes it a misdemeanor
to falsify business records, and elevates that to a felony if it is done
to conceal another crime.
8 Milla  9 <David_Lo-Pan> Milla, latte in seat 22A
9 icon  9 <Cuyahosebag> Icon, I have to admit that I only have one Rolex.
10 hider  9 <Steph> hider, if I need to get something done in the kitchen... Or need something
from.my kitchen, then I will go. LoL
11 zap  7 <Steph> zap, admittedly don't know him / her, LoL
12 Steph  7 <The_Incomparable_Cuyahosebag> Steph, don't blame me for this, but CG sent me a PM asking if I could
urge you to show your vagina on webcam.
13 Pinkie  7 <Lesbian_Coochie_Hijinx> Pinkie, so sorry. Won't you join hands with me as we pray to Jesus?
14 kiddaaa  7 <Steph> Kiddaaa, no, LoL... Fork and spoon, to make the spag go round the fork....
Mum will xut her spag though! LoL
15 AUSSIRrobsayz  7 <Shiba> AUSSIRrobsayz:  your are intellectually dead
16 lefty  6 <Lesbian_Coochie_Hijinx> Lefty, my wife and I are babysitting a dog this week, in case you are
17 Gongs  6 <SELINAGUCCI> gongs , u know them well 
18 TheWeeknd  5 <KintohpatatinPheadXo> TheWeeknd, you have a great weekend
19 Hayley  5 <Cuyahosebag> Hayley, I caution you again associating with know homosexuals. If Mr.
Trump wins, you may be on his shit list.
20 MMORPG  4 <Milla> MMORPG, i wouldn't be talking if iu were you .
21 Lorri  4 <Steph73> Lorri, it's her random way... Don't let a virtual space of words affect
22 jellyfish  4 <Steph73> Jellyfish, luckily for the majority it does stay in kisschat... In the real
world there would be some sort of consequence / reaction which would
change peoples wording / talk
23 MongCake  3 <Pascal-Montana> MongCake: lol     <<   note
24 Joe90  3 <David_Lo-Pan> Joe, give them what for
25 vampricas  2 <David_Lo-Pan> vampricas, you need a good skin serum champ
26 Sons  2 <Steph> Sons, kill red ants now and then... When out of lemons.... Their acid
produces a lemon taste!
27 sinco  2 <Milla> Sinco, is that right ??
28 Northy  2 <Steph> Northy, LoL.... Maybe try the water input... or output pipe in the back!
29 Khandi  2 <Steph> Khandi, I'm in the UK, England, Bristol. You?
30 jane  2 <Lesbian_Coochie_Hijinx> Jane, how many men will you service on Saturday night?

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